Wednesday, March 25, 2009

So here we go...

I totally am aware that most of the known universe caught on to this blogging thing years ago... so call me a late bloomer, I guess. Sorta goes with the territory when talking about me, I suppose. I've never been one to jump right on the wagon, unless it's something I'm totally into. Usually I adhere to the "do things in your own time" mentality. As a guy who has typed more words than I care to remember in my professional life, somehow the thought of doing it in my free time never really flipped my switch.

But ah, how things change. And change is always good, even when it's bad... wait, does that make sense?

So today, March 25, 2009, I write my first "real" blog. I did the occasional Myspace thing, but never was consistent enough. On top of that, it seemed the only blogs I composed were when something had really gotten under my skin, or made me incredibly stoked. Funny how being separated from something you've done for so long makes you appreciate it a little more (I know, a lesson we all learned in school).

To catch some of you up, I've been unemployed from my job as a journalist for the last month. More than 10 years of writing about everything from winning touchdown passes to gruesome crime scenes, and it all just sort of ended suddenly when my magazine shut down. We won't go into the stupid details of why, because it's not worth stewing over. Trust me, I've already done plenty of stewing, and it's not healthy... for me and everyone in my life.

In the last month, I have learned a lot, about myself and about dealing with all the stuff life tends to throw at you. I could regurgitate some of the tired old adages about "don't sweat the small stuff" and "stay positive" or one of my favorites "you get out of life what you put in."

But I won't.

1. Love EVERYBODY--Life is too short to be angry, even if it's really worth being angry about. In the long run, you'll be better off. And everyone enjoys being loved, right?

2. Be a good friend--Even if it's the occasional phone call or text message, let people know they mean something to you.

3. Act like a 4-year-old sometimes--I promise, no one will care. There is much we can learn from the soul of a little person whose primary functions in life are to eat macaroni and cheese, watch Spongebob Squarepants and take naps in the middle of the day.

4. Understand there is always a bigger picture--Difficult to see a lot of the time, but stuff always has a way of working out for the best.

5. Learn about YOU--To help others understand you, it's important to understand yourself. Not an easy task, mind you, and it doesn't happen overnight. It is infinitely ongoing.

6. Learn about stuff--We all hated school and that whole learning business (for the most part). But being open to learning about everything gives you better clarity. You'd be surprised how much brighter the light bulb flickers.

7. Money sucks--If they told us tomorrow that the concept of exchanging money would be banned worldwide, I guarantee you the world would be a better place. All it does is cause problems.

8. A job is just a job--Sure we can all love what we do, but it's never worth sacrificing happiness just to make a few extra dollars (see No. 7). Remember, there are more important things.

9. Friends rock--The people who like you don't care how much money you make, how messy your house is or how bad you make an ass of yourself. They're human too. But always remember to thank them for putting up with you (See No. 2). (Edit: And be sure to say you're sorry about that whole making an ass thing...)

10. Life is AWESOME--Every part of it. Someone very wise once told me, "You have to take it one step at a time, because today is all you're guaranteed." Make life awesome today. Then, if you get another day, make that one awesome too.

At least it's a start. From here on, I vow to blog at least twice a week. If you came to check it out, thanks. Come back often... or occasionally... or whenever...

(Editor's Note: I only wrote about the vow thing because it'll be in print and I have to look at it over and over... no shame in my mental game... and I just thought I didn't pay attention in Psych class)


  1. I tried the blogger thing when I switched to Facebook but nobody read it ... that's why I just started writing 'notes' on Facebook because it's basically like a blog. Great blog though.

  2. Hi Doug. Great blog entry. It's good to know how you're doing. Good luck with everything & I'll stay tuned for the next entry!
